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[7] "A model for bipolar disorder based on learned expectation" (2018). S.-S. Chang, T. Chou. [submitted]


[6] “A Gradient Descent Algorithm based on an extended Lagrange Multiplier Approach for Finding Optimal Capillary Networks of General Functionals” (2017). S.-S. Chang, M. Roper. [arXiv]


[5] “Minimal transport networks with general boundary conditions”, SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (2018). S.-S. Chang, M. Roper. [pdf]


[4] “Optimal occlusion uniformly partitions red blood cells fluxes within a microvascular network”, PLoS computational biology (2017). S.-S. Chang, S. Tu, Y.-H. Liu, K. I. Baek, A. Pietersen, V. Savage, S.-P. Hwang, T. K. Hsiai, M. Roper. [pdf]


[3] “How the pine seeds attach to/detach from the pine cone scale?” Frontiers in Life Science (2017). K.  Song, S.-S. Chang, S. J. Lee.


[2] “A biologically-inspired soft bidirectional switch”, PLoS One (2017).  K. Song,  S.-S. Chang, M. Roper, K. Kim, S. J. Lee.


[1] "Clustered nuclei maintain autonomy and nucleocytoplasmic ratio control in a syncytium”, Molecular biology of the cell (2016). S. E. R. Dundon,  S.-S. Chang, A. Kumar, P. Occhipinti, H. Shroff, M. Roper, A. S. Gladfelter.



PhD student in Mathematics


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